Saturday, July 21, 2012

WTAC Counting Down

With only 18 days to go till the 2012 WTAC, with international teams in transport, and all the Aussie teams putting non stop hours into preparation and testing, there is a buzz of excitment in the Air. Each day the true fans are scouring the net looking for updates, teams are looking for info on components. The days our counting down for the hope of one perfect lap to take home the title. bring on WTAC!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Trackday Wrap Up

On the 18th we headed out to Wakefeild Park with a few customers, and to our delight we found some great weather. With everyone enjoying the sun, many set new pbs, helping to set a great atmosphere. We had slightly smaller number than usual, but that gave everyone that came at more track time than they could have imagined. Thanks to everyone that came out and supported the day, and hanks to Steve Glenny who gave up his time to come and offer driver training. Hope to see you all at our next trackday on the 21st of November.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Trackday Almost Here

We are only a week away for our trackday at wakefeild park. event kick off is at 9:00am. and we still have a few spots available. Bernie Webb, and Steve Glenny will be joining us on the day offering pointers, with driving and car setup. As always the day will be a great opportunity to have some fun, and improve your driving skills. If you would like to join us on the 18th please contact us on 62811821, or email to