Thursday, May 2, 2013


2013 has brought alot of changes to World Time Attack. Firstly entry is no longer first in best dressed, You must now submit and EOI, and then entrants will be picked by a panel of judges.
The aim of this is to bring the best drivesr and teams to each catagory, and some of the most exciting on track entertainement. This year aslo brings some extensive rule changes, new classes, and a control tyre for each class, all in the hope to level out the playing feild a little more. For more details follow the link.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

September Trackday

It has been a long time coming but we have decided to organise another track/driver traning day. We will be holding the event at Wakefield Park in september, we will be confirming the date next week. The day will be run in similar format to our past trackdays. If your would like to join us on the day please contact us on 62811821, or send us email at